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This article will These articles outline some of the ITS Policies and procedures for campus use. Questions about any information in this page on these pages should be addressed with ITS management.

Purchasing MVNU owned Equipment

ITS is tasked with making the most of the budget we’ve been given and as such utilizes our equipment throughout most of its intended life-cycle. As an example, a laptop purchased in 2020 will be deployed to a full-time staff/faculty (Tier 1) for 5 years. When they are due for a replacement, we take the previous computer, refurbish it and make it available for Adjunct / Student workstations. It is there for an additional 5 years or until the computer dies (whichever comes first). At that point, we refurbish it again, reset it to factory settings, and prepare it for donation among the campus community.

Because we have an intentional 10-year cycle for each device, the option to purchase the computer from MVNU is not an option. Each piece of equipment is carefully tracked and planned for re-deployment throughout its entire life-span and to lose it would prevent its continued usefulness to campus.

If, however, you’re looking to purchase a computer, we’ve put together this handy article to help address information you might want to know when shopping for a computer. ITS will gladly look over the specs of any system you find online and provide you a list of pros and cons to help you make an educated purchase.