How to Uninstall a Program

How to Uninstall a Program

Uninstalling programs is a great way to free up space on your device. While the process may vary slightly on different operating systems, it is a relatively straightforward process. Below, we will discuss how to remove programs on Windows 7, Windows 10, and MacOS. 

Windows 10

  1. Click on the Start menu (Windows icon).
  2. Select "Settings" (the gear icon). 
  3. Click on "Apps."
  4. Scroll to the program you wish to uninstall and click on it.
  5. When selected, an "Uninstall" button should appear.
  6. Click "Uninstall" and continue through any prompts that may appear.
  7. Note that you might need to restart your device in order for all changes to take effect.

Windows 7

  1. Click on the Start menu (Windows icon).
  2. Look to the right side of the menu and select "Control Panel".
  3. Under "Programs" select the option "Uninstall a program".
  4. Scroll to the program you wish to uninstall and select it.
  5. Click "Uninstall" at the top of the page and continue through any prompts that may appear.
  6. Note that you might need to restart your device in order for all changes to take effect.


  1. Open the Finder menu.
  2. Navigate to the Applications folder.
  3. Right-click on the item you wish to uninstall.
  4. Select "Move to Trash".
  5. Empty your recycling bin.
  6. Note that you might need to restart your device in order for all changes to take effect.

As always, you can reach the Helpdesk at ext. 5555 or motherboard@mvnu.edu if further assistance is required. 

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