Change Your Password

Change Your Password

If you are unable to log in to your account with your current password, or do not remember your password, you can change it at password.mvnu.edu.

Once you go to that website, you will see a screen similar to the one below. Type in your MVNU email address (username@mvnu.edu for employees and username@mail.mvnu.edu for students) and type the letters and numbers you see in the picture given to you. The letters and numbers will be different from the screenshot below.



Once you get through that page, it will then prompt you to verify your identity using the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) you set up when you first accessed your email. This will be either a phone number or an alternate authentication such as an Authentication App or Passkey.


Once you verify your identity, it will then allow you to change your password. We recommend making it something that is very specific to you so that nobody can guess it.

Remember that this password is for your Outlook, Moodle, WiFi and Portal login - NOTE: Moodle, Portal, and on-campus WiFi use this login without the @mail.mvnu.edu or @mvnu.edu

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Motherboard Tech Center at 740-397-9000 x5555 or motherboard@mvnu.edu.


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