How to grant Delegate (Proxy) in Outlook for Mac
Only works for Outlook for Mac. If using the Apple Mail we don’t support or have instructions for that.
Requires being given proxy rights to the mailbox beforehand
In Outlook,
Click “Outlook” (up in the menu bar)
Click “Settings”
Select “Accounts”
Make sure it highlights your account in the left-hand column.
Click “Delegation & Sharing” on the main page.
Click the tab at top titled “Shared With Me”
Click the “+” at the bottom right corner.
Type in the name of the account.
Once it searches it should find it and display in the rows below the search field.
Select the Account
Click “Add” at the bottom right.
It should now show up in the main body of the previous window under “Open these additional mailboxes:”
Click Done
Click the Red X to close Accounts
It should now show up in the left-hand column of mailboxes beneath your account.
Alternatively, watch this short video for step-by-step instructions.