Sharing Calendars in Outlook
Sharing Calendars in Outlook
In order to share a calendar from your Outlook application on your computer, please open Outlook and select the Calendar icon in the bottom left-hand corner.
You may click on any image to zoom in on it and view it better.
Make sure whatever calendar you’d like to share is selected from the left side of the window once you’ve opened up Calendars in Outlook.
You will be unable to share calendars that you do not already own or have created.
Once your desired calendar(s) have been selected, select Calendar permissions in the top ribbon at the top of the window.
The text box shown to the right here will open on your screen. In order to share your calendar with another user, click the “Add…” button below the field box.
Underneath “Search:” is a fillable text box. This is where you will type in the desired user’s first name, middle initial, and last name. You will need to use all three names in order to search for a user to add. Once you have found the user’s name, click on their name once to highlight, and their name will appear in the bottom text box next to “Add ->” at the bottom of the window. Once all desired users have been found and added, continue and click “OK” at the bottom of the window.
The previous window will close, making the box shown here at the right reappear, with the desired user(s) highlighted in the top field box. You will be able to then edit the permissions for the added user(s) underneath “Permissions” in the middle of the text box.
Read: Here you can edit how a user sees events on the calendar, i.e., a user will only see the event and no details if “Free/Busy time” is selected for the user(s).
Once all desired user(s) have been added and permissions are edited, make sure to click “Apply” before closing the window.