Board of Trustees FAQ

Board of Trustees FAQ

Below are a set of articles and shortcuts to documentation or questions and answers related to commonly asked questions and/or requests. For any needed clarification or further assistance contact information is located at the bottom.


MVNU ITS has created guest accounts for MVNU’s communication tool(s) through Microsoft 365. This account should provide you access to Email, SharePoint, & Teams through the University. Access will allow you to collaborate, save, and access files secured by MVNU’s other board members.

Setup involves several steps that should be accomplished before you can even get in and see existing collaboration documents. These include:

  1. Receiving an invitation (from “Microsoft Invitations on behalf of MVNU invites@microsoft.com”)

  2. Using the link in the invitation to setup access.

  3. Setting up multi-factor authentication. (MVNU ITS recommends the Microsoft Authenticator app for your mobile device)

  4. Downloading Teams

  5. Logging in

  6. Basic Navigation

Logging in

Steps 1-2 listed above are covered in this article which includes step-by-step instructions to help along the way.

Step 3 is covered in this article, which suggests using both your mobile phone and a computer at the same time for simplicity.

Step 4 - Visit this link to download Microsoft Teams on your laptop & mobile device(s). The link at the top will start a download on your laptop, while scrolling down you will find a QR code which, if you scan with your mobile device’s camera, should redirect you to the app store to download the program. Once downloaded, simply open the file and it should install the correct program on your computer.

Step 5 - Once Teams is downloaded and installed simply click this link which should not only open teams, but direct it to the Board of Trustees group to grant you access.

Basic Navigation

Microsoft has created some excellent navigation tutorials which you can watch at your convenience. We’ve curated a selection of them which would be pertinent to this specific group:

And for a full line-up of tutorial videos that Microsoft provides, visit this link.



Answer: It’s probably in your SPAM/Junk folder. Some email accounts are more cautious about emails that are from uncommon addresses and react by assuming they are some type of SPAM or phishing attempt. Simply navigate in your mailbox to the “Junk” or “SPAM” folder and look for an email from “invites@microsoft.com.” If you find it, simply drag it back to the inbox, or right-click on it and select “Not Junk.”

Answer: MVNU’s ITS department is always available to help as needed. Email helpdesk@mvnu.edu or call 740.397.9000 extension 5555.

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