Access Other Mailbox/Calendar

Access Other Mailbox/Calendar

There are plenty of reasons and ways to access a mailbox other than your own. Several options for doing so are listed here.

Manually adding a mailbox/calendar to Outlook (Windows)

NOTE: These instructions require either being given access from the mailbox/calendar owner or granted rights by ITS.

Step-by-step Guide:

  1. In Outlook, Click the "File" button at the top-left of the window

  2. Click "Account Settings" and then "Account settings" listed under it.

  3. A box should open up with your email address listed in the main body.

  4. Select your email account in the main body and click "Change" in the options above it.

  5. In the new window, click "more settings" in the bottom-left corner.

  6. In the new window, click the "Advanced" tab at the top.

  7. Click "Add" at the top-right next to the empty window that is labeled "mailboxes: Open these additional mailboxes"

  8. Type the name of the mailbox/calendar you have proxy access to using the full email address (Example: extra.mailbox@mvnu.edu)

  9. Click OK, and then OK again until you're taken to the window that says "Exchange Account Settings."

  10. From there, just click the "X" in the top-right, or "Close" if its an option at the bottom.

  11. Once at the "Account Information" window click the "<-" button at the top-left to get back to your mailbox.

  12. In the left-hand column of your mailbox you should now see the new email account listed below your mailbox. Click the little arrow to expand it and you should be able to see the mail in the inbox.

Video Tutorial:


Manually Adding a mailbox/calendar in Outlook (MAC)


  1. Open Outlook

  2. Click “Outlook” (up in the menu bar)

  3. Click “Settings”

  4. Select “Accounts”

  5. Make sure it highlights your account in the left-hand column.

  6. Click “Delegation & Sharing” on the main page.

  7. Click the tab at top titled “Shared With Me”

  8. Click the “+” at the bottom right corner.

  9. Type in the name of the account.

    1. Once it searches it should find it and display in the rows below the search field.

  10. Select the Account

  11. Click “Add” at the bottom right.

  12. It should now show up in the main body of the previous window under “Open these additional mailboxes:”

  13. Click Done

  14. Click the Red X to close Accounts

  15. It should now show up in the left-hand column of mailboxes beneath your account.

Video Tutorial:

Granting Delegate Access Mac.mov

Manually Accessing a mailbox/calendar through Outlook (Web)


  • In outlook webmail (http://mymail.mvnu.edu ) click on the icon representing you (your picture or initials) in the top-right hand corner.  

  • Click “Open another mailbox”

  • Type the name of the other mailbox and it should search.  

  • Select the correct account and click “Open”

Video Tutorial:

Open Shared Mailbox Web.mov