Set up MVNU email in iOS using MFA
If you already have your MVNU email set up in the Mail app on your iPhone or iPad, you will need to sign out and then sign back in. If you don’t have MVNU email set up yet please skip to the sign-in instructions.
Sign out of your existing Mail account
On your iOS device, open the Settings app, then select Mail
Select your MVNU email account, commonly named Exchange
At the bottom, select Delete Account
You will be prompted to confirm the deletion. Although the data is being removed from your phone, your Mail, Contacts, Calendars, Reminders, and Notes are saved to your MVNU Office 365 account and will sync back to your phone when you re-add the account
Wait for the deletion to complete. When you are returned to the list of your accounts, you have successfully removed your Exchange account from your iOS device
to your MVNU email
Navigate to Settings and select Mail
Select Add Account
Select Microsoft Exchange
Enter your email address (make sure to use and a description, such as MVNU Email, then select Next. You will see a prompt to sign into your MVNU Exchange account using Microsoft. Tap Sign In
This will take you to the MVNU sign-in page, where you will enter your password. Then, select Sign in. After this you will be prompted to enter your chosen MFA authentication (Verification text or App code) do this to finalize the sign-in.
You will be prompted to allow Apple to access your mailbox and sign-in information. To continue setup, select Accept
Lastly, select the services you want to sync. Make sure at least Mail is selected to access your MVNU Email. Then select Save and you are all set.