Windows Version of CCleaner
Windows includes a Disk Cleanup tool, although it's a bit hidden. This tool frees up space on your hard drive by deleting useless files — old temporary files created by programs, temporary Internet files for Internet Explorer, Windows error report logs, and more. You can run this tool at any time to free up disk space.
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What is CCleaner
CCleaner does the things that a Disk Cleanup tool would do and more. It takes the Disk Cleanup concept and runs with it, extending it to more data in Windows and third-party programs that the Windows Disk Cleanup tool won’t touch.
What computers use CCleaner?
We use CCleaner on any MVNU computer or personal computer than we need to run virus scans on for any reason (i.e. suspicion of malware, running slow, etc.)
How do I install CCleaner?
You can find instructions on how to install CCleaner here.