

What is Self-Service for?

Self-Service allows you to access almost anything that you will need for your academics, classes, finances, and employment at MVNU.

To Access the Self-Service Site:

Step1: Go to portal.mvnu.edu and sign in with your MVNU credentials.

Step 2: Under the "Student Links" tab, select "Student Planning" link. 


Step 3: Self-Service will open. Sign in with MVNU credentials. It might not prompt you to sign in. Do not fret. This is okay.


On the left side of the screen, you'll see a gray bar. Click the three horizontal lines at the top of it to expand this. This is what you can access from here:

Home: This will take you to a page that has links to all of the most commonly accessed features of Self-Service, such as grades, financial aid, and student planning.

Financial Information

  • Student Finance: You can access your account and view what you owe to the school, as well as make a payment and view any new activity on your financial account.
  • Financial Aid: You can access anything that has to do with your financial aid. This includes any loans, grants, or scholarships you have, and any that need attention. You also view your reward letter here, request a new loan, and look at different plans for paying for college.
  • Tax Information: You can access any forms that you will need for you tax forms. MVNU is required to provide these to you so that you or your parents can do taxes as efficiently as possible.


  • This is where you will input your time if you work on campus, as well as access your earnings statements and time history while working at MVNU.


  • Student Planning: This is usually the screen that shows up when you access self-service. From here, you can view your schedule, every class offered by MVNU, the course of study that if specific to your major and minor, as well as the progress you have so far toward completing your degree.
  • You can also access the course catalog, your grades, enrollment verifications, your unofficial transcript, your academic attendance, as well as your test summary.

User Options

  • You can access your user profile, emergency information, and adjust any proxy access.

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