How to set up your MVNU access for the first time

How to set up your MVNU access for the first time

This article will help you log into your MVNU account for the first time.


MVNU Email

Logging into your MVNU email will be the first step for you and should be done right away. This validates your account and will allow you to change your password on the website. When you log into http://mymail.mvnu.edu you will need to use your entire email address and the password you created when you applied.  When you get logged into Outlook, you will be prompted to set up Multi-Factor Authentication. This is a security feature to keep your email safer from unwanted outside attacks. Please follow the prompts. There is a video link below if you need help with this.

We will use your MVNU email address to communicate with you regarding financial aid, course schedule, student announcements, notifications from your professors, and much more. Please be sure you are checking your MVNU email early and often. If you are having trouble getting into your email, please call MotherBoard/The Hub and they will be happy to help you. Their phone number, email, and hours are listed at the bottom of this email.

Reset Your Password

MVNU offers a free password reset site that allows you to change your password at any time, after you have set up Multi-Factor Authentication. The website is http://password.mvnu.edu and you will sign in with your MVNU email and password. From there you will be able to create your new password. The password or “passphrase”  must contain at least 8 characters that include capital and lowercase letters, a number, and a symbol. Once you change your password this will be your password for email, Moodle, and Portal and it is good for one year.


Moodle is MVNU’s learning management system. This is the area where you will see your course, complete assignments, and participate in class discussions. Please be sure you take the time to familiarize yourself with this site. The website for Moodle is http://courses.mvnu.edu and you will use your username (not your entire email) and password to log in. Once logged in, y