Unifi Video System (Specialized access only)

Unifi Video System (Specialized access only)

The following article is instruction for any MVNU user who has been given access to the Unifi Video system. This is a specialized system where very few users have access.

  1. Once the invitation has been accepted, and you’ve created your password, login to the system by going to https://unifi.ui.com

NOTE: as of July 2024, this website now requires MFA. This account is NOT the same password as your MVNU account.

You may find it easiest to download the Verify App for MFA found here for iOS:


or here for Android OS here:

  1. After you are logged in, navigate to the video cameras by clicking on the dashboard icon on the upper left-hand corner of the view, if it doesn’t pop up automatically.

  2. To view a live video, click on the video to expand the view and see more options.

  3. You can unmute and hear audio of the live video or capture a picture by clicking on the appropriate icons on the top right.

  4. To view recordings of a specific camera, hover your mouse inside the video and click “Go to timeline.”

  5. Sort the video by detections or timeline by click on the corresponding tab on the right.

  6. Once you have a clip selected, you can play it here or check the box next to the clip in the timeline and other options appear.

  7. Choose options such as deleting, downloading or archiving the clip.

  8. Scroll down on the page to see other cameras.

  9. To go back, click on the dashboard icon at the top left or simply logout when you are finished.

NOTE: Campus Safety has full access of this system and can assist if you have an incident that needs further investigation.

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