Using VLC to Convert Your Files

Using VLC to Convert Your Files

This article will explain how to convert audio files using VLC.

Using VLC to Convert Your Files

VLC is a free and open source media player that opens almost any file format, and it has an option for converting your audio files, and it’s a favorite here at How-to Geek.


  1. Open up VLC and click “Media” then on “Convert/Save.”

2. If you already had a file loaded into VLC, the tool doesn’t automatically load it into the converter. You will have to load the file again from this window. Click the “Add” button, located on the right side.

3. Now, navigate to the file and click “Open.”

4. Click “Convert/Save” to open up the next window.

5. From the “Profile” drop-down list below, select “MP3” and then click “Browse” to select a folder to which you want the file saved.

6. After you’ve selected a folder, you will have to change the file extension to “.mp3” and then click “Save.”

7. If you want to have a little more control over the encoding that happens during the conversion, click on the wrench button.

8. This brings up another window with some more advanced options with which you can tinker. The “Audio Codec” tab, in particular, is useful for changing things like bitrate, channels, and sample rate.

9. Finally, click “Start” to begin the conversion process.

10. Depending on the size of the file and the bitrate selected, the conversion shouldn’t take too long to complete. Afterward, you can access the MP3 from the save folder you specified.


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